Saturday, 16 March 2019

होली के बारे में दुनियाभर की सभी जानकारी एक साथ:

सभी मित्रों को होली की शुभकामनाएँ….
होली (Holi) वसंत ऋतु में मनाया जाने वाला एक महत्वपूर्ण भारतीय और नेपाली लोगों का त्यौहार है। रंगों का त्यौहार कहा जाने वाला यह पर्व हिंदू पंचांग के अनुसार फाल्गुन मास की पूर्णिमा को मनाया जाता है, ओर पारंपरिक रूप से दो दिन मनाया जाता है। यह त्यौहार कई अन्य देशों जिनमें अल्पसंख्यक हिन्दू लोग रहते हैं वहाँ भी धूम-धाम के साथ मनाया जाता है। पहले दिन को होलिका जलायी जाती है, जिसे होलिका दहन भी कहते हैं।

दूसरे दिन, जिसे प्रमुखतः धुलेंडी व धुरड्डी, धुरखेल या धूलिवंदन इसके अन्य नाम हैं, लोग एक दूसरे पर रंग, अबीर-गुलाल इत्यादि फेंकते हैं, ढोल बजा कर होली के गीत गाये जाते हैं और घर-घर जा कर लोगों को रंग लगाया जाता है। ऐसा माना जाता है कि होली के दिन लोग पुरानी कटुता को भूल कर गले मिलते हैं और फिर से दोस्त बन जाते हैं। एक दूसरे को रंगने और गाने-बजाने का दौर दोपहर तक चलता है। इसके बाद स्नान कर के विश्राम करने के बाद नए कपड़े पहन कर शाम को लोग एक दूसरे के घर मिलने जाते हैं, गले मिलते हैं और मिठाइयाँ खिलाते हैं।
रंगों का खूबसूरत त्यौहार होली अपने आप में बहुत खास महत्व रखता है, ना सिर्फ भारत में बल्कि विश्व के अन्य देशों में भी होली या इससे मिलते-जुलते त्यौहारों को मनाया जाता है. चलिए आपको इसके नए-नए रूपों से भी परिचित करवाते हैं:

मिस्र: मिस्र के आदिवासी मार्च के तीसरे सप्ताह में होली खेलते हैं और वो भी अंगारों के साथ. होली के दिन आदिवासी घने जंगल में किसी एक स्थान पर होली जलाकर उसमें पूर्वजों के बाल तथा कपड़े जलाते हैं और अधजले होली के अंगारे एक-दूसरे पर फेंके जाते हैं.

चीन की होली: रंगों के इस त्यौहार को चीन में ‘फो श्वेई चेय’ अर्थात पानी छपाका पर्व के नाम से मनाया जाता है. यह चीन में नए वर्ष के तौर पर मनाया जाता है और इस पर्व के उपलक्ष्य में चीन में 3 दिन की छुट्टियां रहती हैं. एक-दूसरे पर रंग और पानी डालकर चीनी लोग होली के इस रूप को एंजॉय करते हैं. ऐसी मान्यता है जिस व्यक्ति के ऊपर ज्यादा पानी गिरता है वह उतने ही आशीर्वाद का हकदार होता है.

होली का अमेरिकी रंग: ‘होबो’ यानि अमेरिका में मनाई जाने वाली यह होली हर साल 31 अक्टूबर को मनाई जाती है. गलियों में टोलियां लेकर लोग नाचते-गाते, हुड़दंग मचाते हैं और हैरानी की बात तो ये है कि जो लोग सबसे ज्यादा हल्ला और हुड़दंग करते हैं उन्हें ईनाम भी मिलता है.

रोम की रेडिका: काफी समय पहले अप्रैल माह में पूरे एक सप्ताह तक चलने वाला रंगों का त्यौहार रोम में ‘साटर ने लिया’ के नाम से मनाया जाता था. जब रोम में दास प्रथा अपने चरम पर थी तब यह त्यौहार एक सुखद अनुभव साबित होता था क्योंकि इस दिन दास और दासियों को भी हंसी-मजाक करने की छूट मिलती थी और वह अपने मालिकों के साथ भी हंसने-बोलने के लिए स्वतंत्र थे. आज इसे मई महीने में ‘रेडिका’ के नाम से पूरे जोर-शोर से मनाया जाता है. इस अवसर पर लोग आतिशबाजी भी करते हैं.

म्यांमार का जलोत्सव: म्यांमार में होली मनाने का तरीका और इसका उद्देश्य थोड़ा अलग है, क्योंकि स्थानीय लोग इस दिन अपने द्वारा किए गए बुरे कार्यों का पश्चाताप भी करते हैं. इस दिन लोग पूजा-पाठ भी करते हैं और पिंजरे में बंद पक्षियों को भी आजाद करते हैं.

अफ्रीका: मार्च-अप्रैल माह के बीच मानाया जाने वाला यह त्यौहार ‘ओमेन बोगा’ के रूप में मनाया जाता है, जिसका स्वरूप भारत की होली से काफी मिलता-जुलता है. इस दिन अफ्रीकी लोग ‘बोंगा’ नामक अत्याचारी राजा का पुतला जलाते हैं तथा एक-दूसरे पर रंग डालते हैं.
महेश भट्ट।

Thursday, 14 March 2019

10 Tips that change your entire personality:

Self confidence can get you far in this world. Employers, potential partners and friends all appreciate strong, self confident people. It's an admired trait. But even if you don't FEEL confident, there are ways to APPEAR confident, and when you succeed in doing that, you'll find that, very quickly, you actually feel as confident as you seem to be!

1: Practice exhibiting confidence through your body language:
There is much evidence pointing to body language as a path to developing real self confidence. A 'fake it till you make it' approach can actually generate real confidence. So stand up straight, don't slouch, don't look at the floor. Pull your shoulders back, push out your chest a bit and have some space between your feet when you stand.
Also, don't touch your face when talking to others, this is a clear sign of a lack of confidence, don't play with your hair or look anywhere but the person you are talking to. Which brings us to our next point.

2: Smile:
Smiling is powerful. It makes others realize you have it good, that you are relaxed and content. Smile and let it show in your eyes. You'll see it not only makes a big difference in how people relate to you, but it also, eventually, makes you feel that much better.

3: Make eye contact and keep it:
Don't be the first to look away. When your eyes meet another, hold on to them, especially if you or they are talking. Don't stare, just move your eyes to theirs and hold, let them drop to the face and then back up. Don't break eye contact quickly, people who will immediately break eye contact give the impression that they either feel guilty for something, don't trust the person or are bored. You can practice this with random people, and you may be surprised at their reaction when you get the nerve just to look them in the eyes. It will transmit confidence and interest.

4: Don't fidget:
Compulsively moving your foot or nodding as someone else is talking transmits a lack of calm. To develop your self confidence, you'll need to be aware of your body and keep calm. If you feel yourself start to fidget, take a deep breath, disconnect for a moment and count to 3. Then release your breath and return to reality in control of your body.

5: Halt before you talk:
When you are talking to another person, listen to them intently, don't cut them off and don't start talking immediately after they are done. Take 3 seconds to process the information, and then formulate a response that is quiet and shows that you really listened. Use specific details if possible. The time you take to think and process what the other person said would make you look more confident, wiser and kinder. Remember, fools shout and cut others off, while strong, confident people take the time to listen and formulate a relevant response to what was said.

6: Let others speak:
Continuing from our last point, try to get people to talk. Find out what questions they like being asked and encourage them to answer. People love being listened to, and once you do you'll discover there is always an advantage to knowing more about the person than they know about you. Also, the more open and direct you are in your questions, the more confident you'll seem. Just one word of advice: There is a thin line between being direct and being rude, find it and tread it carefully, you want to ask good questions but do it in a kind and offhand manner that'll put others at ease.

7: Don't cut people off:
We return to this point because it is so common. Many of us are used just to listen to the gist of what people are saying while waiting to give our own input. But being cut off is annoying, insulting and sometimes hurtful.

Besides, you may miss out on important information. This takes a lot of patience, especially when people will just talk your ear off. But once you gain control of this need to give your own input right away, you'll discover it has powerful advantages. A man in control is a confident man, one who can listen to others' mistakes without having to correct them immediately.

On the other hand, if someone cuts you off, be assertive but calm, and ask politely that you be given the opportunity to finish. Don't look grouchy, they probably didn't mean to do it, just smile and be kind about it.

8: Dress well:
It's amazing how much we get judged on visuals alone. You can take great advantage of that fact by being always well dressed. Get an honest friend to tell you what looks good on you and what does not. Find a balance between comfort and a great look.

9: Exercise:
Yes, even in an article about self confidence you won't escape this essential advice. Physical activity is a huge source of self confidence. Research has demonstrated that there is a direct link between sports and chemicals being released in the brain to cause euphoria. Physical activity will also improve your looks, which will also add to your self confidence. And don't forget, just proving to ourselves what our bodies can do is a great boost to our confidence. Do any kind of physical activity for a better overall feeling and a great boost in self pride and respect.

10: Remember the good times:
One of the things that we rely on for self confidence is reliving the best moments of our lives. Each time you remember that great day - a game you won, a trip you took, a person you loved - this will do wonders for your self-esteem as well as a a good excuse to call old friends...

The above-mentioned tips are the abstract of one of the chapter of my book Happy Adventuring! Part-I”. Click this below given link to read this most unique book that covers all required information on Adventurous activities as well as nature and environmental education:
Mahesh Bhatt

Monday, 11 March 2019

How Common is Common Sense~reading this surely makes you “Uncommon”:

We all know very well that “Common Sense” is an instinctive, appropriate response to everyday events that helps make life simpler and smoother. Not only that, it is something all of us are endowed with. Common sense is a basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge things, which is shared by ("common to") nearly all people, and can be reasonably expected of nearly all people without any need for debate.

However it remains a fact all over the globe that “Common Sense” often seems to be in short supply. As the pace of the world increases, it seems that common sense is becoming ever increasingly uncommon, and many of us are guilty of not applying it at times when it is most needed.

I must make you all assured that in order to have common sense one does not need to have specialized knowledge or be super intelligent! It’s simply an innate understanding of how to behave, what to do, when and how to do it, and doing it in the right place and time. It’s a natural and automatic response to a situation, not something that needs to deliberated over!

Take things on personal level:
How many times do you find yourself not applying common sense and doing clumsy things like picking up a hot pan without using oven mitts, or speeding when road signs state, for a very good reason, that you should be driving at 30 or 40. Or, lighting a cigarette, which you have just taken from a packet that tells you clearly that it is killing you! Dropping a banana skin on the pavement is not good common sense: picking it up before someone slips on it, is!

Where is our awareness when we make these common-but-sensless choices?:
We condemn the hot pan on the stove, or the child on the street at the time of speeding, but seldom take responsibility for our own actions. It’s not so much a sign of losing our mind, but very clearly, it is misusing our mind, and not being in control of our thoughts. The reasons may be carelessness, laziness, lack of attention, to name just a few, but the mist required thing is- we need to work mindfully and not mindlessly.

The world seems to be losing collective common sense:
For example, as people were recently meeting in the world climate change conference COP19 in Warsaw, scientists in New Zealand were discovering proof that the weakening of the earth’s crust following a massive earthquake, was due to climate change. Researchers also claim that Typhoon Haiyan which destroyed the Island of Tacloban in the Philippines recently, also happened for the same reasons.

Have we become so selfish and blind to the outcome of our actions,
that we are unable to see the cause and effect taking place right in front of our very eyes? How much proof do we need to realize that damaging Mother Earth to this extent is like committing our own suicide. Do we realize that our future depends on the choices we make at every moment?

The real root cause is a lack of awareness:
The reason that we don’t have access to our own common sense is because we are so preoccupied with people and events – who said what to whom, what happened and why, thoughts of doubt and confusion, regrets of the past and worries about the future – that we forget to live in the present moment. We are always somewhere else with our mind.

What is needed here is spiritual intelligence:
In order to tap into my own inner wisdom am I aware? Am I living in the present moment and ready to respond to the next moment with calmness and composure, or is my mind in a thousand different places? If I become internally quiet then I can access my inner wisdom. Common sense is common because we all have it; we just need to reconnect with it.

Time is now ripped of…
to be aware of the moment and to apply common sense to our daily lives. As the turmoil in the world increases, let us be mindful and not mindless and emerge our innate spiritual wisdom. Live in the moment and you will know exactly what to do when.

How do you get common sense?
~ Put new common sense thinking habits into place.
~ Practice mental flexibility.
~ Develop an ability to stay open-minded and to listen to other people's notions and ideas, even if they scare you or derail your own thinking.
~ Use affirmative thinking.
~ Rely on semantic sanity.
~ Value ideas.

Mahesh Bhatt

Friday, 1 March 2019

All about Mahashivratri

Mahashivratri is simply a Most Spiritual Night. There are various theories to the origins of this Hindu festival. It symbolizes the night when Lord Shiva performed the famous 'Tandava Nritya'. The term Mahashivratri is derived from the three words - Maha, Shiva, Ratri. It is thus, a night to celebrate Lord Shiva in all his glory. It literally translates into - The great night of Shiva. It is also supposedly marks when Lord Shiva got married to Goddess Parvati. Thus, the day is doubly auspicious as the cosmos witnessed a convergence of two mighty divine powers.

Why is Mahashivratri Celebrated?
Maha Shivaratri is a Hindu festival celebrated annually in reverence of the God Shiva. It is believed to be the day Shiva saved the universe by drinking "haalaahala" the poison that emerged from the churning of the ocean (samudra manthana). While most Indian festivals are celebrated during the day, Shivaratri is celebrated during the night by keeping a "jaagaran"- a night-long vigil as its believed that Lord Shiva saved the universe from darkness and ignorance.
The Maha Shivaratri festival, also popularly known as 'Shivaratri'- Great Night of Shiva', marks the convergence of Shiva and Shakti. Maha Shivaratri is celebrated on the Krishna Paksha Chaturdashi of Hindu calendar month Maagha as per Amavasya-ant month calculation. As per Poornima-ant month calculation, the day is Krishna Paksha Trayodashi or Chaturdashi of Hindu calendar month Phalguna which falls in February or March as per the Gregorian calendar. Of the twelve Shivaratris in the year, the Maha Shivarathri is the most holy.

Hindu festivals are based on the lunar calendar and Mahashivratri falls on the sixth night of the dark phalgun. Easier to understand, the fourteenth day of every lunar month (the darkest night) is called Shivratri. There are 12 Shivratris in the year, but this particular one is of great significance.

According to astrology, the planetary positions on this day are aligned favorably, evoking spiritual energies. Particularly, the northern hemisphere of our planet is positioned such that every person's inner spiritual energy surges. To use this opportunity well, a night-long vigil is held honoring Lord Shiva (jaagran). It is a night full of prayers, chanting and reverence. The mantras such as Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra increase greatly on this night.

Maha Shivaratri is the main Hindu festival among people all over India, especially Hindu Diasporas from the Northern Indian State of Bihar. People pay homage at twelve Jyotirlingas (lingams of light) which are sacred shrines to Lord Shiva, and centers for his worship. They are known as Swayambhus, meaning the lingams sprung up by themselves at these locations, and temples were built there afterwards. In Indo-Caribbean communities throughout the West Indies, thousands of Hindus spend the auspicious night in over 400 temples across the country, offering special jhalls to Lord Shiva. In Mauritius, Hindus go on pilgrimage to Ganga Talao, a crater-lake, turned into the main Hindu prayer site of this sole Hindu majority African country. In Nepal, millions of Hindus attend Shivaratri together from different part of the world at the famous Pashupatinath Temple. Thousands of devotees also attend Mahasivaratri at the famous Shiva Shakti Peetham of Nepal.

How is Mahashivratri Celebrated?
This auspicious day, like many Hindu occasions, is celebrated by observing a fast. The fast is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Shiva Lingas are bathed with water, milk and honey, signifying purification of the soul. After this, vermilion paste is applied to it, representing virtue. In addition, flowers, fruits and bel leaves are offered to Shiva Lingas across the country, marking gratification of desire. Incense is burnt and lamps lit to mark the occasion. People get together in temples, etc. and chant 'Om Namah Shivaya' all night long.

Rituals of Maha Shivaratri
Very early morning, Shiva temples are flocked by devotees, young and old, who come to perform the traditional Shivalinga worship (puja) and hence hope for favors from the God. Devotees bathe at sunrise, preferably in the Ganga, or any other holy water source (like the Shiv Sagartank at Khajurao). This is a rite of purification, which is an important part of all Hindu festivals. Wearing clean clothing after the holy bath, worshippers carry pots of water to the temple to bathe the Shivalinga. Women and men both offer prayers to the Sun, Vishnu and Shiva. The temple reverberates with the sound of bells and shouts of "Shankerji ki Jai" meaning 'Hail Shiva'. Devotees circulate the lingam three or seven times, and then pour water over it. Some also pour milk over it.

On Maha Shivaratri, Nishita Kala is the ideal time to observe Shiva Pooja. Nishita Kala celebrates when Lord Shiva appeared on the Earth in the form of Linga. On this day, in all Shiva temples, the most auspicious Lingodbhava Puja is performed.
According to the Shiva Purana, the Mahashivaratri worship must incorporate six items:

Bathing or purifying the Shiva Linga with water, milk and honey. Woodapple or bel leaves are added to, which represents purification of the soul; Vermilion paste is applied to the Shiva Linga after bathing it. This represents virtue; Offering of fruits, which are conducive to longevity and gratification of desires; Burning incense, yielding wealth; The lighting of the lamp which is conducive to the attainment of knowledge; And betel leaves marking satisfaction with worldly pleasures.

Tripundra refers to the three horizontal stripes of holy ash applied to the forehead by worshipers of Lord Shiva. These stripes symbolise spiritual knowledge, purity and penance (spiritual practice of Yoga). They also represent the three eyes of Lord Shiva.

Wearing a mala (rosary) made from the rudraksha seeds of the rudraksha tree (said to have sprung from the tears of Lord Shiva) when worshiping Lord Shiva is ideal. A rudraksha seed is mahogany-like color, or could sometimes be black. They might also have traces of sacred sandalwood powder, turmeric, kumkum, or holy ash if the rosary is used in worship ceremonies or annointations.

According to spiritual guru Sadhguru, the significance of Mahashivratri differs from person to person. For a family man, it is Lord Shiva's wedding anniversary. And for ascetics, the night marks the moment when Lord Shiva went 'absolutely still' and became one with Mount Kailash.


Mahesh Bhatt