Human have terrible mood swings. At times we are high on energy and feel very positive, at times we feel very low, sometimes we can concentrate better but some time we cannot not. This is because the chakras in the body are blocked or some time more active. Chakras are the Energy centres in our body also called the ‘whirlpool of energy’.
It is really very sad but most people are not aware of the fact that our body has seven energy centres that are largely responsible for our various moods and behaviour. As such, very briefly, through this blog I shall share with you what these seven main energy centres in our body.
Yogic Text speaks about seven important chakras.Through Meditation or yogic practices chakras can be activated. Chakras are symbolised by Lotus flower, which is appropriately chosen. Almost all the religions have the concept of chakras in different ways.
Chakras control particular parts of the body, energising particular organs and bring harmony within the body. If any of these chakras are blocked then energy cannot flow freely. Chakras are The part of subtle body one cannot see chakras through naked eyes but, can feel the energy of the chakras during meditation.
It is really very sad but most people are not aware of the fact that our body has seven energy centres that are largely responsible for our various moods and behaviour. As such, very briefly, through this blog I shall share with you what these seven main energy centres in our body.
Yogic Text speaks about seven important chakras.Through Meditation or yogic practices chakras can be activated. Chakras are symbolised by Lotus flower, which is appropriately chosen. Almost all the religions have the concept of chakras in different ways.
Chakras control particular parts of the body, energising particular organs and bring harmony within the body. If any of these chakras are blocked then energy cannot flow freely. Chakras are The part of subtle body one cannot see chakras through naked eyes but, can feel the energy of the chakras during meditation.
Muldhara chakra or Root chakra: Located between anus and genital area. This chakra stands for personal security, fulfilling the personal needs.
At this point, I must make you all knowledgable why this chakra is called "Muladhar" or Root" chakra? It is because, the place this chakra is located- is a base of all chakras where the "Female power Kundalini" or "Shakti" is residing and lying dormant all the time. Kundalini is three and half coiled snake also called Bhujangini, Ishwari, Nadishakti.
One must also prepare for Kundalini awakening.When Kundalini is awakened it moves in an upward direction piercing all the Chakras finally reaches to Shahsra Chakra and merge with lord Shiva one reaches to higher level of consciousness after Kundalini is awakened.
Swadhisthan Chakra or Sacral Chakra: Located at Sacral bone, it stands for sexuality feeling, well-being and pleasure.
Manipura Chakra or Solar plexus: This chakra stands for confidence and power. When this Chakra is active one gains the ability to influence the environment around them. This is located directly behind the navel.
Anahata or Heart Chakra : Anahata chakra is located behind the centre of chest. It stands for love and joy.
Vishudhi or Purified centre: located in the neck region behind the throat. It gives the power to express thoughts and communication.
Ajna chakra or Third eye chakra: It is located in between the eye brows and stands for wisdom, intelligence and intuition.
Shahasra Chakra: It is the chief of all chakra and is located on the top of head. This chakra stands for spirituality and enlightenmentp.
Click the below mentioned title to watch a YouTube video explaining 7 Chakras and Kundalini Awakening:
Explanation of 7 Chakras and Kundalini Awakening
This video also describes everything about the Chakras
somewhat diffrently however the audio is in Hindi language. Click on the title to watch this YouTube video:
Click the below mentioned title to watch a YouTube video explaining 7 Chakras and Kundalini Awakening:
Explanation of 7 Chakras and Kundalini Awakening
This video also describes everything about the Chakras
somewhat diffrently however the audio is in Hindi language. Click on the title to watch this YouTube video:
Mahesh Bhatt
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