All of us are well aware that this entire universe is nothing but a dilussion, even though, we wish to have something as our own, we do something that provides pleasure and we avoid doing something that brings pain! And not only that, either knowingly or unknownwingly, we act sinfully to fulfill our wish.
The reason why we do so, because it is written as our "Fate"! Recognize it as "Fate", Hindu scriptures described that whatever we act, undoubtedly, it is simply in accordance with the actions performed by us in all our privious births including the actions performed by us in our present birth. Not only our present actions but even our present existence is also accordiing to our Fate!
While at the other end, the mother nature always act to bring "best out of the best" as their next generation for every species, and to do so, it follows only one rule that is "survival of the fitest". Hindu scriptures recognize all actions & reactions of Nature as the "Law of Nature". And according to that all living things of this "copulatory world" either "eat the other or get eaten by the other".
There is no doubt at all that everything written above is a short essence of the Hindu philosophy. If we believe in it, we must agree that all presently survived living things are best fitest as well as blest & lucky by their Fate!!!
We understand very well that it is not true at all and indeed! I wonder what is the reason and why Hinduism and its scriptures repleted by so many such similar unbelievable and awesome contradictory facts and believes?!!!
If we take an example of lord Rama and Lord Krishna, everyone of us strongly confirm that these both are the characters of two great epic, those are Ramayana written by sage Maharshi Valmiki and Mahabharata written by sage Vyasmuni respectively.
While at the other end, still today after thousands of years, the believers of Hinduism worship them both through out the world as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, one among the Trinity of the God in Hinduism.
Here at this point, for a while, I must take you away from the actual subject so as to make you understand what is the Trinity in Hinduism.
Almost all Hindu scriptures strongly conface that being the uncreated one, the name and form of the God is undescribable! However the most auspicious Lord Shiv (please don't misunderstood as Lord Shiva) in His unique "Ardhnarinareshwar" (half male and half female) form is considered as the ultimate God, all Hindu scriptures have accepted that the form of the one & only "Sole Sovereign" is both, "the Apparent" and "the Incorporeal"!
Hindu scriptures strongly believe that this entire universe came into existence when God decided to become many instead of one on a particular moment before billions of years. Science of the present also confirms it as a thiory of "Big bang".
The moment God divided in two different forms of Lord Shiva (which represent everything that is considered as male and inanimate of the universe) and Godess Shakti (which represent everything that is considered as female and animate of the universe including mother Nature), a time cycle started automatically as His third division to differentiate time in three parts those are "on that particular moment (present)", "before to that moment (past)" and "after that moment( future)".
Thus entire universe is trilateral. The next Trinity is made of Lord Bhrahma who creates everything in this universe, Lord Vishnu who operates, manages & administrates this universe to "establish Dharma & to maintain Truth", and Lord Mahesh who destroys this universe if needed.
Coming back to our original subject, if we consider lord Krishna as an incarnated living legend, we must consider the era of Mahabharata as real. If so, I must draw your attention on many kinds & types of social, political and religious effects of the battle of Mahabharata.
There is no doubt at all that the great battle of Mahabharata esatablished "Dharma" and made us believe the ultimate reality that "Truth rules this entire universe and sooner or later it always wins"- still remains a strong belief of the people of India.
But as a result of that biggest ever war Bharatkhand (India and surrounding countries) paid a lot and lost almost all brave, strong, blessed and spritually empowered personalities. Only widows, children and oldaged persons of different communities were survived, mostly Vaishysa & Sudra.
The very next generation of those illmatched couples was a complete mixed breed, totally against the law of nature that is "survival of the fitest".
Being in succession of all those "unfits", who lived there life anyhow generation after generation, low profile, short sighted ness, and lacking of so many abilities, especially, high moral are not remain as our most common peculiarities but is ever-increasingly written as our "common to all" fate!
Analyzing the present situation of the people of India, I must say that presently we are passing through the worstest span of our comman to all fate, and as such, we cannot even understand who, where, why and for what stands for our good!
The most painful fact is- knowingly or unknowingly we always lead and carried by so many low profiled people, socially, politically and even religiously.
It is because we cannot change our fate! And therefore, we must wait and watch till the birth of next incarcerated living legend.......
So dear friend, prey God, whoever your's is........
Mahesh Bhatt
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